April 2, 2014

Acupuncture News – March/April 2014


I thought I would start a monthly round up of Acupuncture News from around the world, or as much as I can find, so here it is:

Chinese medicine could become available on the NHS

Jeremy Hunt indicates that health service may look at integrating traditional Chinese cures with Western medical techniques.  The Health Secretary indicated that the health service could look at integrating traditional Chinese medicines with Western medical techniques.

See the articles in the Telegraph and the Daily Mail

*Note:  Some observers suggest that using Chinese medicine could add to the pressure on endangered species and this is entirely correct, but there are herbal alternatives that does not use animal organs and these should be embraced by any herbal practitioner.  There is also a worry about impurities in herbal medicine and I can totally appreciate this, I have see the quality of some herbs that are offered in high street chains and some private clinics and I would not touch them with a barge pole.  This is why I practice 4 of the 5 branches of Chinese Medicine namely Acupuncture, Massage, Qi Gong and Tai Chi and I do not practice herbal remedies.  If you do take herbal remedies make sure your practitioner is properly qualified, regulated and insured.

Using traditional acupuncture to help manage diabetes

Source: Diabetes update
Date/Issue: Spring 2014

Using traditional acupuncture to help manage diabetes
Complementary therapies can support a patient in dealing with long-term conditions such as Type 2 diabetes. Mark Bovey, Research Manager of the British Acupuncture Council, explains what acupuncture has to offer to someone with diabetes and shares the experiences of some patients who have benefited from this traditional practice.

See the full pdf article here

Tried and tested: acupuncture at The Seven Heavens Clinic, Finsbury Park

Source: wahanda
Date/Issue: 06 March 2014

Tried and tested: acupuncture at The Seven Heavens Clinic, Finsbury Park.  Prickly as it might sound, acupuncture is steadily becoming one of the most popular and talked about ways to relax the mind, body and soul, with a whopping 2.3 million acupuncture treatments carried out each year in the UK.

Read the full item on the wahanda website

Couch potato culture

New study by British Acupuncture Council shows risk in back pain epidemic caused by unhealthy habits and sedentary lifestyles

See the full article here

Well that’s the round up of all the news, hope your all well and happy
