Acupuncture for Migraine
Acupuncture for treating Migraines. Recently I have been treating more patients with Migraine and it's clear to me that within a few sessions most are reporting a reduction of symptoms leading to a reduction of medication.
Acupuncture for treating Migraines. Recently I have been treating more patients with Migraine and it's clear to me that within a few sessions most are reporting a reduction of symptoms leading to a reduction of medication.
World Athletics Championships 2007 in Osaka, Author - Eckhard [...]
Headache A Headache Is A Non-Specific symptom of Pain anywhere in the Head [...]
Only a few private clinics in the UK offer Acupuncture during [...]
Olympic swimmer Rebecca Adlington getting acupuncture We’re famously a [...]
Insomnia is a horrid condition and even though it is [...]
The 2015 Nobel Prize in medicine has been awarded to [...]
Hot flushes are the most common symptom of the menopause and not all women will experience hot flushes going through the menopause, but most do. Three out of every four menopausal women have hot flushes. They’re characterised by a sudden feeling of heat which seems to come from nowhere and spreads through your body. They can include sweating, palpitations, and a red flush (blushing), which vary in severity from woman to woman.
Back, Neck and Muscle pain, can Acupuncture help? Reported [...]
Tai Chi and Qi Gong 2014 and 2015 Well its [...]